The Top 10 Reasons to Shop Local

Why should you shop local? Let us count the ways!
When you “shop with intention” to keep your business and hard-earned dollars in Sandpoint, it literally pays you back! Here are the top 10 reasons to keep it local!
1. Money Spent Local Stays Local. By shopping locally, you help create jobs, fund more services by keeping your sales taxes local, invest in neighborhood improvement and promote community development.
2. Local Businesses Contribute to the Community. The national statistic is that 91 percent of local business owners contribute to community nonprofits by making donations and volunteering. In Sandpoint with 300-plus nonprofit organizations, our local businesses contribute every day to various groups.
3. Local Businesses Provide Jobs. Small local businesses account for a large share of new jobs created each year, and locally based businesses provide some of the most stable employment opportunities in a community. These employees in turn spend their money in the local economy.
4. Supporting Local Business Supports Your Neighbors. Almost all of Sandpoint’s local businesses are owned by people who live right here and are part of our community.
5. Local Businesses Maintain Sandpoint’s Uniqueness. Our community has dozens of small businesses that have been in town for years and decades They literally are the fabric of our town that makes Sandpoint special and different than any other small town.
6. Small Businesses Offer Unique Choices. Local businesses offer shoppers unique products and services. Independent shops create distinctive shopping experiences and respond more quickly to the need of local customers, stocking products to meet the changing population needs.
7. You’ll Get Extra Attention and Quality Service! Small business owners compete by focusing on customer service and quality goods. Attentive service is literally a small business’s stock in trade. Local business owners and employees take the time to get to know their customers… you!
8. Shopping Local Saves You Money. Choosing to shop locally first saves you gas and travel time, which equates to money saved.
9. Lower Environmental Impact. Local businesses make more local purchases requiring less transportation and help sustain vibrant, compact business centers. They help to reduce sprawl, congestion, habitat loss and pollution.
10. Entrepreneurship. Local entrepreneurship fosters economic innovation and prosperity. The success of locally owned, independent businesses provides real-life inspiration to our young people, proving that they can stay here and prosper on their own terms.